MITLA: Place of the dead by Fernanda Cortes
Fernanda Cortes’ first solo exhibition brings Mexican Magical Realism to London. Cortes’ exhibit, produced and sponsored by Medesthai, is a fresh and modern reimagining of a 3,000 year old observance, Día de Muertos , the Mexican Day of the Dead.
67 York Street Gallery will showcase MITLA, Cortes’ New Collection 17/18 of ceramics, drawings and prints, in an installation that offers a fresh and modern interpretation of this Mexican tradition. The MITLA collection highlights Cortes’ profound evolution and development since the Abraaj RCA Innovation Scholar showcase last year. The themes that inform and emerge from Cortes’ work will be discussed and debated in a parallel programme of events at Regent’s University during the week. Industrial designer and ceramicist Fernanda Cortes says: “I’m pleased to share my new collection, to have the opportunity to celebrate Mexican Day of the Dead here. London’s diversity inspires me to appreciate my roots more, and to honour this unique Mexican tradition that brings identity far from home. ”