What Follows

Sian Evans + Pond 

Sian Evans and Pond come together to present two gold jewellery collections which seek to extend the life of materials through individual approaches to sustainable practices and traceability.

Natalie Holt and Holly Archer Nicholls have worked together for over a decade in the jewellery and fashion industry. Whilst working in a fast paced fashion environment helped to hone their skills as designers, they despaired at the waste that was a by-product of this way of working – both material waste and unexplored ideas. They created Pond as a way of realising their ideas and offering a different way of appreciating materials. Broken and unwanted jewellery was the starting point for their inspiration. Using simple techniques rooted in ancient jewellery practises and recycling carefully selected components in glass, natural pearl and ceramic, Pond creates pieces that transcend the sum of their parts to become jewellery to once more be treasured. Our collection is comprised of one of a kind pieces as well as a signature collection in recycled gold designed to be personalised.

Sian Evans presents new elements to her award winning biomorphic ‘Botany’ collection, this iteration miniaturised in gold. Alongside these she is launching a new collection of heavyweight ‘Meta’ rings made using ancient and archaeological processes. The wholly recycled materials for the collections have been collected through bartering and swapping old and broken jewellery, for pieces from Sians collections. This creates a coveted closed loop sustainability system and aims to keep old materials in circulation and decrease the need to mine new metals or stones. It is possible to barter for Sians work during the pop-up. Any hallmarked jewellery, however battered can be offered for barter.