Kimberley Gundle Ceramic Sculpture 2

Kimberley Gundle: How is the Weather in your head?

Ceramic sculpture, paintings and artist book by Kimberley Gundle

Kimberley Gundle keeps her finger on the pulse of life. For the past forty-five years she has been documenting the people who surround her through an extensive range of medium: drawing, painting, printing, and ceramic sculpture. Since moving from South Africa to London in 1988 to take up her place on the Master’s degree program at The Slade School of Art, she has  carried a sketchbook with her on every journey on the London Underground. In these sketchbooks she draws her fellow commuters, archiving the fleeting encounters that form the warp and weft of society making up the fabric of London life. Her exhibition  entitled How is the Weather in Your Head?  showcases a collection of  her portraits informed by these everyday sketches.

When, on the 20th March 2020 shops closed, schools shut and we were forced into isolation behind our closed front doors, Kimberley started a visual diary. In her trademark sketchbook she drew a thought a day, posting these drawings to her Instagram feed, keeping her and her online community anchored and connected. These sketches accumulated until she held in her hand a year composed of days. She has published a limited edition artist book 300 in the edition each signed and numbered – Navigating the Maze is  a record of the challenges and unexpected small joys of life under lockdown. Each book is accompanied by a hand-made ceramic talisman, a companion to the book and a symbol of  hope for the future. Kimberley continues to sketch out a thought every day and post it to her Instagram feed @kimberleygundle

Her exhibition How is the Weather in Your Head is at once deeply personal and collective. It is an exhibition about paying attention to our external and internal worlds, about presence, participation, and connection. It is also an exhibition for anyone who has ever wondered about the life of a stranger they glimpsed on the tube or the bus, traversing this busy city.

Please join Kimberley Gundle for tea and conversation. Come and sip tea from her handmade ceramic Companion Cups. Tea and conversation every day for the duration of the exhibition.