The Art of Edwin La Dell
The Art of Edwin La Dell
Edwin La Dell (1914-1970) was one of the most influential printmakers of the post-war period promoting printmaking as an affordable art form in a time of austerity. He progressed from a Rotherham steelworks to Sheffield School of Art and to the Royal College of Art where he progressed to become Head of Printmaking from 1955- 1970.
This exhibition draws from his family’s collection of prints and previously unseen watercolours and oil paintings from the 1950s and ‘60s. The works depict his home
area of Kent, London, France, New York, the Oxbridge colleges and independent schools.
The exhibition will take place from 30th March - 5th April, 11 am - 6 pm, all the works are for sale and entry is free.
For further information, please contact
Dr Richard Turkington, FRSA
07714 106386